
BUTCH: Not like the other girls

BUTCH: Not like the other girls is published by Dagger Editions, an imprint of Caitlin Press.

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BUTCH – The Book

A photographic exploration of the liminal space occupied by female masculinity, BUTCH honours the beauty, power and diversity of women who transgress the gender binary, with subjects reflecting the many sizes, shapes, ethnicities, and styles of Butch. The transversal dialectic of female masculinity is celebrated here — unapologetic and undiluted. Foreword by internationally renowned artist and curator Persimmon Blackbridge.

“As progressive as we think we are – as liberal as we think we are – we live in highly conservative times. You know, there’s a lot of haters out there, there’s a lot of organized efforts going into shutting down all that we have achieved over the gay / lesbian / queer liberation movement. When I saw BUTCH: Not like the other girls as big public artworks, I said yes, wow! We are very much, once again, in the pioneering years of what we could be. Butch is now.”

— PAUL WONG (curator of BUTCH: Not like the other girls in TransgressionNow, QAF Vancouver, a founding director of the VIVO Media Arts Centre and On Main Gallery, recipient of the Governor General’s Award for Visual and Media Art and the Audain Prize for Lifetime Achievement in the Visual Arts)

“I’m a hard audience, especially when it comes to the art, politics, sexiness, and spirituality of gender, but SD Holman’s BUTCH: Not like the other girls blew me away. This is important work: images like these, in which folks beyond the gender binary arce and sexy and beautiful and exactly who they are, are—as I’m sure you will agree — sadly rare. I’d love to see BUTCH: Not like the other girls travel – to New York, to San Francisco, and to all the little towns in between. Even in our great metropolises, there are too many young butches who have never been told they are handsome. I want those youngsters to see this work, and see butch through the eyes of a great butch who knows how to see and show. As a femme who loves butches, I’d love a copy of this work, not only for my bedside table, but to keep on hand to show a new generation of butches and femmes just how wonderful they are. In short, this is art that will save lives.”

KATE BORNSTEIN (author of My New Gender Workbook and A Queer and Pleasant Danger)

Catalogues that I Produced, did Artist Direction, organization and Essays for The Pride in Society, QAF + SUM gallery. Click picture links to get